Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dear mom 11/10/09

Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009

Dear mom,
Ok so this week was the bomb diggity as of monday me and the missionaries went on a mission hike after e-mails and let me tell you what it was so fun. We got to see the country part of the Garden state and it was b-e-a-utiful!!!! I was so happy to say that I got to meet the other missionaries in the field. Ok so on tuesday we had district meeting and it was on being perfectly obedient.... I really can't spell in english any more

ON wednesday we visted and helped Gabriel and Yawdy perpare for their boda(wedding) it was so bomb! I am so happy for them.  Finally on saturday, we had the wedding and let me tell you what, It was so flippin awesome. No puedo bailar pero yo come mucho comida lol. :) It was so special. I could really feel the spirit their. I know that this union isn't for eternity but it helped a man who was confused in his life find some guidance as well as a companion.

Sunday was even more spiritual. I talked in church about obra misional. It was like Idk but some how some way I was able to translate to the congragation and they understood me lol I was so happy. They after we had Gabriels baptism and I haven't seen that many tears since grandpa died. It truly is a blessing we( me and elder sopena) have had to teach these great people.

ok Elder sopena was born in Rhode island but lived in puerto rico his whole life. He is about my height and loves to play soccer. He also loves to eat. And he has a girlfriend serving her mission in brazil

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