Friday, December 18, 2009

FW: Pictures

Elder Gamez, Elder Sopena, Elder? Elder MacDonald

Brotherly Love !!

Unga and the car and with the Thanksgiving meal !!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Letter about this week Monday 12/14/2009

 So were to begin about this week.... well let's start with tuesday. On tuesday I went to visit a couple of inactives in the area. One in particular was a sister named xiamara(zi-a-mar-a) sho has been struggling with her driving test. She apparently needs her license. It was so funny actually because her husband wants her to get it so he doesn't have to worry about laundry anymore lol. So anyways

Elder Ssesanga Dec 14th

thanks alot maam am doing good and my comp is okay last week on tuesday and
wensday we had our x-mas party and we had a training from elder hill the
area seventy for south east area and the stake president of hill crest stake
and they were talking about the x-tics of the savior it was very nice to
have 4 hours learning about the savior. and we had lots of fun. i love u
maam bye i hope u get good week.