Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11th.. Still Remembering

In my mind there are MANY unsung heroes  of that tragic day.   The ones that I particularly remember are my children's school teachers.   That day was so tumulous and full of anxiety,  I can imagine what being in a classroom must have been like.  My son Joey's 6th grade teacher that year was Joy Penaskovic.  Joy,  in my mind,  is one of the most awesome unsung heroes of that day.  Just after the bell sounded and children were in their seats,  the news came that there were problems in New York and the new was trickling about the towers.  Joy is actually from that area of the country.  From what I recall her mom worked in the area of the towers.   How she kept her cool with 30  kids in her care I will NEVER know.   Joey told me she explained to the class that she would be using her cell phone, and trying to reach her family.  She also calmly explained the circumstances of what was happening in NY.  I would have been a screaming lunatic.  I can't even imagine what was going through her mind at the time.  I can only hope that my first thought would have been to the children in my care,  however,  I don't know that.  Wondering about my family would have had me consumed.  My point here is that I have admired teachers for who they are and the efforts they make every day with our children.  They certainly are everyday heroes.  However,  on that day,  when our world was changed forever,  my heroes were the teachers in the classroom at Catalina Elementary School.  I will forever be grateful for their strength and for the way they took care of my kids when I couldn't.   When they say teachers don't get paid enough,  I agree.  I can only hope that this post is a little extra pay that they honestly deserve. 

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